Van Don’t Gogh
We recently went to St. Petersburg, FL to visit my aunt and uncle. My aunt called, “I got you tickets to see the Van Gogh exhibit at the Dalí Museum.” “Cool,” I answered, “I can’t wait to see Van Gogh through the lens of Salvador Dalí.” Obviously, I did not read anything about the Immersive […]
What’s My StORy?
What’s My StORy? A few years ago, I created the series What’s Your StORy? (O.R. = operations research) to interview our members and learn more about what makes them tick. Recently, I read an article that posed the question, What’s your story? which made me smile, then think, Hey. What IS my story? And then […]
A Plea to the Hotel Industry
I know revenue management and pricing are high on your list of metrics. Customer service is up there too. I have an idea to increase your scores in a very specific demographic, 40-60 year old females. You can name it the “Fabulous Package.” Do NOT suggest someone take advantage of it, or you will tank […]
Pushing Myself Outside My Comfort Zone. Big Time.
I’m an introvert. Those of you who know me through INFORMS may shake your head and say, “No way! She talks all the time.” And I do, at meetings, because that is my job. I’m there to help facilitate networking and making members feel comfortable. But I’m most comfortable one on one with someone I […]
Creative Napping
[Spoiler Alert: Read the book, we’re doing it all wrong!] I attended HOW Design Live at the beginning of May, one of the fabulous keynote speakers was Daniel H. Pink, who I met at his book signing. I am finally getting some free time and started reading “When: The Science of Perfect Timing.” So far […]
Mother’s Day :: Cleaning As Communion
I hate Mother’s Day. I am a mother. But in my heart I’m still a daughter. I don’t know at what point will Mother’s Day be more about me, and less about my Mom. Maybe never. She’s been gone for almost 13 years, you would think it gets easier. And, I guess it is. I […]